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Security Tips for Internet of Things (IoT) Devices

5 Security Tips to Remember for the Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things (IoT) technology continues to expand at a rapid rate in the workplace and at home. This innovative technology can easily perform a wide range of tasks without the need for human assistance. However, always staying aware of the potential security threats is essential in keeping your data safe and avoid becoming a victim of a cyber attack.

Here are five critical security tips to always keep in mind with IoT devices. 

#1 Create a Separate Network

One of the best ways to keep your IoT devices secure is to create a separate network. This added layer of security protects your main network from cybercriminals hacking into an IoT device and gaining access to all of your confidential data. Choosing to invest in device access management software is also a great away to prevent unauthorized access to your network.

#2 Enable Password Protection

Another important security tip to remember is to always enable password protection for your IoT devices. Unfortunately, a lot of people do not realize that it is possible to set passwords for these devices. A lack of password protection makes these gadgets easy for cybercriminals to hack into with only a minimal amount of effort. However, always creating strong passwords and using multi-factor authentication is essential in keeping all of these devices secure.

#3 Turn Off Universal Plug and Play

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is a popular option for many IoT devices, as it makes it easy to discover and connect with other networks. However, this feature can easily be exploited by hackers. Taking the extra time to disable this feature is essential in maximizing security by making it much more challenging for cybercriminals to access your devices or infiltrate your network.

#4 Disconnect Devices

One of the most simple ways to keep your IoT devices secure is to disconnect or turn them off while you are not using them. Disconnecting these devices makes it impossible for cybercriminals to find a potential entry point to access your network. Ultimately, this can play a key role in preventing a data breach and saving you a lot of stress.

#5 Keep Your Software Up to Date

Taking the extra time to always keep your software up to date is essential in protecting your devices against potential security vulnerabilities and cybercriminals. Manufacturers often release patches on a regular basis to boost performance and security, and enabling automatic downloads is a convenient way to ensure your devices always stay up to date if you forget to download these updates.

IoT devices are highly convenient and continue to grow in popularity. You can find these items nearly anywhere, whether in electronic appliances, alarm clocks, thermostats, speaker systems, or smartwatches. However, understanding ways to keep all of these devices secure is essential in keeping your data out of the hands of a cybercriminal. Following these simple IT security tips is a great way to keep your information safe while also giving you peace of mind.

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